Government of the

Principality of Hutt River


Diplomatic Security Force (I-3)
(Intelligence, Identification and Information)





RE: PHR - Diplomatic Security Force - Alert on Electronic Communications
PUBLISHED: 17 April 2011

ATT: PHR Representatives, Officers & General Public!

In view of the increase in creating unauthorised Websites & Social Networking sites without consulting PHR Authorities and the increasing number of UNAUTHORIZED individuals trying to pass as legal Representative of this Principality, it has become necessary to remind the public (and Representatives & Officers of PHR) that strict regulations are in place concerning the establishment of websites and confirming that it is not allowed for PHR Representatives & Officers to operate/promote/maintain Social Networking Sites in any official capacity including to promote their position with PHR.
The regulations also confirm that there is only one e-mail domain for the Principality { (.org)} and NO OTHER!  The Regulations may be found published here :

PHR Representatives & Officers Electronic Communications Regulations 2008 - Rev 02 2011

At no time is a representative from this Principality authorised to use media like My Space, Facebook and the like to promote his office/position or this Principality, thus, should any find such a claim being made on these style sites, at NO TIME should the site or operator be taken as being genuine.

An example may be found in that at least two social networking sites are known to being operating that claim to be HRH Prince Leonard IN PERSON! when in fact HRH does not access or operate any sites at all!

NO Representative or Officer of this Principality is to establish/operate/maintain ANY form of electronic media in an official or promotional capacity without consent, approval and direction of the office of the Minister of Electronic Communications.

Should ANYONE have a doubt about a claimed representative from this Principality, or any promotional material or offer of any kind, please, at once, notify the The Office of the Minister of Electronic Communications or the Diplomatic Security Force. (Contact information below).

Anything pertaining to the operation of electronic media concerning Diplomatic issues or position can only be approved by the office of the Minister of Electronic Communications operating under the authority and the direction of Cabinet. 
Any such sites (and they are VERY few) will be found linked from the ONLY site of the Principality itself (.org), look to the PHR Government Contact page where all & any AUTHORISED sites will be linked or referred to.


Sir Reynald L. Carra KCSOL, OIOM
Director General, PHR Diplomatic Security Force
Principality of Hutt River
Via  Western Australia 6535











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Principality of Hutt River
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