Government of the

Principality of Hutt River


******** MEDIA RELEASE ********
        Issued: 01st October 2017        

Australian Tax Office
HRH Prince Leonard
W.A. Supreme Court
01st October 2017

Media Release By:
HRH Prince Graeme, Sovereign Principality of Hutt River.

RE: Court of Appeal case Casley v Deputy Commissioner of Taxation


Urgent appeal for support from
HRH Prince Graeme
Minister for State & Education.
(Published June 2017)


On September 14th the Supreme Court of Western Australia - Court of Appeal accepted our Appellant’s Case for filing. This was our second attempt to do so as the first was deemed by the court as ‘not succinct’ enough and we also needed to include a ‘tabular summary’.

The formatting issues are now behind us and we can concentrate on the legal battle itself (we hope).

On September 18 we were however advised by the Registrar’s Notice to attend the Court of Appeal before 2 Judges at the Supreme Court of Western Australia, Stirling Gardens on Friday 20th October 2017 at 11:30 AM.

At this hearing we are apparently required to show cause why the appeal should not be dismissed pursuant of the rule 43(2)(g)(i). This rule states that the appeal will be dismissed if there is not a good chance of it being successful. It is interesting to note that we have not, to date, been advised of any return response to our application by the ATO and this was, we were advised, deemed to be the next step once our application was accepted into the Court of Appeal?

It seems that once again, nothing is as it may seem, so we are still requiring lots of financial support, as the fight goes on so the costs continue to climb, as well as the messages of support that roll in to us in our department’s emails which are all very much appreciated.

Our legal team can also do with some strong support or even leadership. With Prince Leonard’s age and emphysema health issues it is difficult for him to represent himself at the court appearances as he has always done in the past and even he has had to admit that age does slow down the mind even though it may not blunt it and this brings a lot of pressure to bear on our staff, who are not legal clerks but still insist on going the extra mile in order that we get the best of submissions into the court. Our staff now have work well underway to not only take the appeal into the court but to also fight whatever this appearance before 2 judges is about, to “prove the worth of our appeal” and the validity and importance of the new evidence we wish to submit to the court.

Whilst the current case is against the Australian Taxation Office, it is about jurisdiction and not whatever amount of money the ATO likes to make up as owing.
The amount of the debt claimed to be owed, as obviously ridiculous as it appears, is something we strongly reject arguing about but instead stick to the invalid attempt of a foreign power to try and bring financial pressure to bear on another nation, by making false claims of debts owing



    HRH Prince Graeme

 Principality of Hutt River
       01st October 2017


Urgent appeal for support from
HRH Prince Graeme
Minister for State & Education.
(Published June 2017)



Downloaded release in .PDF form VIEW HERE!


The ATO without the knowledge of Prince Leonard issued an ABN and registered him with the ATO for the Australian Goods and Services Tax regime in July 2015
After letters of complaint regarding such "strange actions" by the ATO., in October 2016 further communications were received (links below) from the ATO confirming that
HRH Prince Leonard does not require an ABN nor to be registered with the ATO for the Goods and Services tax regime and the registrations the ATO concocted were cancelled.

Aust. Tax Office (ATO) letter advising Prince Leonard is NOT required to have an Australian Business Number (ABN)!

Australian Tax Office (ATO) letter advising Prince Leonard is NOT required to be registerd for "Goods & Services" (GST)!



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